Animated Light

Led by artist Winnie Truong and artist assistant Meegan Lim, this animation is a part of Yue Moon -community co-created, multimedia public art program for Chinatown’s 2021 Lunar New Year celebrations.

Winnie and Meegan led an online workshop series introducing participants to illustration and basic stop-motion animation techniques that reflect on personal, cultural, and historical themes tied to the Lunar New Year. The work developed by workshop participants were displayed as a collaborative animation and public art projection that launched on February 12, 2021.


Glowing Eyes

“Glowing Eyes” imagines the umwelt of a domestic cat by showing what it’s like to see the world a foot off the ground, hear at an extended range and see clearly in the dark.

Unboxing the Model Minority

Unboxing the Model Minority

Watched Pot Never Boils

Watched Pot Never Boils